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Keeping positive through lockdown

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

What are your hopes for 2021? Our founder Ben recently spoke with The Business Exchange South West about staying positive , sticking to a routine during the latest national lockdown and exploring nature, come rain or shine. For Ben, the year ahead is all about building on the foundations laid last year for Second Mountain Communications, supporting purpose-driven businesses and charities with meaningful comms, and working towards a brighter future.

How are you keeping positive through Lockdown 3.0?

Exercise, routine and intentionally planning in small moments of joy every day – that’s what’s getting me through this latest lockdown in a positive way.

How are you structuring your day? Have you changed your habits?

My days are hugely structured right now and that includes the weekends! Each day of the week has to be meaningful and different to the others, in the absence of normal structure. I support different clients on specific days, allowing for deeper focus. Practicing the Pomodoro Technique has also been invaluable.

Are you doing anything new?

I’m out in nature all the time! Come rain or shine, a day doesn’t pass without donning my walking boots and going for a long stomp in the countryside. Second Mountain’s Chief Yappiness Officer, Alfie, joins me on the shorter walks. Getting fresh air, having time to embrace nature and watching the seasons change has been a definite upside to lockdown life.

Have you changed your New Year resolutions?

I’ve very gently eased myself into 2021; this isn’t the year for resolutions or grandiose plans. The one thing I am trying to do is switch off from devices earlier in the evening and pay closer attention to my sleeping patterns. A good night’s sleep can be truly transformative.

Have you introduced any new rituals?

Absolutely. The biggest one has been Friday night movies, without fail, watching one of the many films that we missed at the cinema over the past couple of years when life was a lot busier and we had a newborn at home. Limiting it to once a week feels like an ‘event’ and it clearly marks the beginning of the weekend.

What are you most looking forward to when restrictions are lifted?

Getting out and meeting people face-to-face once again, both personally and professionally. It’s amazing how much can be achieved virtually, but there’s no substitute to being together in person, especially when it comes to creative working.

What is your biggest goal this year?

Building up my new consultancy, which I founded in the summer shortly after the first lockdown. I’ve been so blessed over the last six months to work with a host of charities and purpose-led businesses, supporting them with their comms. This year’s all about building on these initial foundations and working towards a brighter future.

What has the past nine months taught you and how has it shaped your future for the better?

The past nine months have taught me so much about myself, about who I am as a professional, about the impact that I want to make and about what truly matters in life. Above all else, it’s taught me that nothing should be taken for granted; all of those little moments and experiences that were just part of daily life before will feel so much more special when they return once again.

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